Welcome healing and growth.

We support you through life’s tough transitions, ups and downs.

1668 Avenue Road

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North York Counselling and Psychotherapy Services offers a variety of therapeutic counselling and educational services aimed at supporting individuals and teams in the Greater Toronto Area with a diversity of wellness needs.

Our therapists serve clients with wide ranging needs including support with anxiety and depression, grief and loss, healing and mindfulness, and teacher wellness.


Free 30 Min Consultation

Call for a free consultation to find out if North York Counselling Services is the right fit for you.

Book Appointment

Find an appointment with a professional to fit your schedule.

Group Training

Contact North York Counselling Services  for group support availability.

(647) 729-7985

#2-1668 Avenue Road, North York, ON. M5M 3Y1

Join | Being with Now 

An 8 Week Mindful Journey Towards a Deeper Relationship With the Self

Where does your money go?

A Simple Split

A portion of the cost of each appointment is donated back to the community in the form of volunteer hours, discounted support services, and used for professional development of counsellors and therapists at North York Counselling Services.  

 Is money stopping you from getting help ?

We at North York Counselling Services believe that everyone deserves access to psychological and emotional support in times of need.  Our services are offered at a sliding scale rate for those seeking support in the Toronto and North York areas.  If you or someone you know are in need, please reach out to ask a question or book an appointment.

Are you a Counsellor or Therapist?

Our therapists understand the value of supporting each other as we evolve personally and professionally. Through North York Counselling Services, we are committed to fostering a work environment that encourages and supports individuals as they journey towards their greatest potential and fullest lives. We are always looking to expand to better support our community.  If you are a practitioner interested in joining our team, we would love to connect!

Our Passion is to Support . . .

  • Community members needing discounted services
  • Individuals in need of emotional support
  • Teacher Wellness and Training
  • Students and Youth

Need Help? We offer

  • Counselling Services
  • Psychotherapy Services
  • Referrals and Resources
  • Group Support and Training

Therapy & Counselling

We offer a variety of therapeutic, counselling, and educational services aimed at supporting individuals and teams with a diversity of wellness needs.

Working With Individuals, Youth, Teachers & Groups

Individual Therapy

Receive one on one professional therapeutic support in person or via text, call, or email support.

Youth Counselling

Experience the benefits of a positive relationship with a professional for yourself; or, find a counsellor for a young person in your life.

Teacher & Group Support

Receive personal one on one support, or participate in educational training and group workshops.

Make your own recovery the first priority of you life.

Robin Norwood


In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.

Albert Einstein

We work on ourselves as an offering to all beings.

Ram Dass

(647) 464-2091

#2-1668 Avenue Road, North York, ON. M5M 3Y1